Sugar: Boon OR Bane?

Sugar is something that we need literally and metaphorically in our lives. All the good things in life that make us happy are associated with sugar and sweets. Lovers and kisses are called sugar too! But what would you do if I say that this very thing is a cause for ruining your life and changing it forever? Sugar is the reason for a lot of diseases. Very few people know that it can lead to complete blindness and gangrene. Diabetes is also the main cause of kidney failure and limb amputation. According to Times of India, “ India is the diabetes capital of the world with as many as 50 million people suffering from type-2 diabetes! Diabetes is one of the most talked about diseases across the world and especially in India, but awareness about the same can well be estimated by the fact that India today has more people with type-2 diabetes. The World Health Organization ( WHO) also estimates that 80 per cent of diabetes deaths occur in low and middle-inco...