Preventing Diabetes – Some Basics You Need to Know

Popularly known as “High Sugar”, diabetes is a chronic disease caused by reduced secretion of insulin by the pancreas. This results in ineffective metabolization of sugar in the body, resulting in high levels of sugar in the blood stream. This puts the individual at risk for kidney failure, blindness, heart failure and other serious medical complications. Nonetheless, diabetes can be prevented by making some changes to one’s lifestyle and eating habits.

Eliminating sugar and refined carbohydrates goes a long way in preventing diabetes. These foods are easily broken down by the body, resulting in a rise of sugar in the blood stream. Following a low-carbohydrate diet results in a decrease in blood sugar levels as well as increases insulin sensitivity. Reducing portion sizes and eating less is also helpful.

Instead of consuming three meals a day, one can opt for eating small meals at frequent intervals, spacing them out throughout the day. Opting for water, instead of drinks with a high sugar content is also helpful.

Besides eating healthy, exercising regularly and losing weight if one is on the heavier side or obese is also highly recommended as well as researched. Exercising regularly utilizes the sugar found in the bloodstream and helps to increase insulin sensitivity. On the other hand, visceral fat (the excess weight around the stomach and abdominal organs) decreases insulin sensitivity and promotes insulin resistance, thus putting a person at a higher risk for diabetes. Making tiny changes to one’s lifestyle can easily help prevent diabetes.


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